Jack-Be-Little Pumpkin Crème Brûlée

Jack-Be-Little Pumpkin Crème Brûlée

Jack-Be-Little Pumpkin Crème Brûlée 

1 quart heavy organic cream
1 Tahitian vanilla bean 
1/2 tbspn ground cardamom
7 pasture-raised farm fresh egg yolks
1 cup organic cane sugar
10-14 Jack-Be-Little pumpkins

1. Cut tops off pumpkins and bake in oven at 350F for ~15 minutes or just enough to easily pierce the inside with a knife.

2. In a heavy pot, combine heavy cream, vanilla bean and ground cardamom and allow to boil. Immediately mix and remove from heat and cover for 30 minutes.

3. Cut and remove seeds inside pumpkins. If you accidently make a whole through the bottom, just remove some of the pumpkin flesh and smash into the whole to seal.

4. Separate 7 egg yolks and thoroughly blend with 1 cup sugar until its lighter in color

5. Combine the cream through a strainer (to catch large vanilla pod skins) into the egg yolk mixture. 

6. Mix well and fill each pumpkin and place on baking tray.

7. In oven at 325F, place baking tray in oven and add water to almost top of tray to create a steam bath. 

8. Cook for 30-40minutes or until the custard only slightly jiggles

9. Allow to cool and refrigerate for at least 3 hours

10. Sprinkle sugar and torch!

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