10 F.A.M. Principles

10 F.A.M. Principles

What most people don't know is that I have been cooking for customers with chronic illnesses and new mothers for over a decade. I like to elevate food through nutrition. Doing so I try to maximize the amount of nutrients in every bite or meal. I apply these 10 FAM (Food As Medicine) principles when crafting a meal:

1. Taste - First and foremost it must taste delicious!
2. Sourcing - Quality sourcing from farms, fisheries, and ranches that engage in regenerative and organic practices
3. Nutrients - Maximize nutrients per bite or meal. I also incorporate herbs that contain medicinal properties to boost immunity or help support purify toxins.
4. Fiber (Prebiotics) - Essential for gut and brain health
5. Probiotics - Live Cultures - Also essential for gut and brain health
6. Color - Phytonutrients contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties
7. Texture - Prevents Boredom
8. Flavor Profiles - Incorporating all five flavors is essential for balanced well-being
9. Bio-diversity - Consuming a wider and bio-diverse range of foods improve gut health and improve overall immune system.
10. Intention - Love 

Here's a video that goes into depth explaining the 10 FAM principles:

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